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Timetables & Descriptions
The following is a listing of all non-modular courses offered by or in collaboration with the IMS. Please note that not all courses are offered each year.
Courses listed as TBD will not be offered in the Fall 2024 or Winter 2025 semesters. If there are any changes, our website will be updated.
Fall 2024 and Winter 2025 COURSE UPDATES IN PROGRESS: Enrollment in IMS courses for the 2024 Fall and 2025 Winter academic sessions will open on July 15. We are still confirming which courses are to be offered, as well as start dates, days/times, and delivery method. The information will be updated once that information is available. Please follow the instructions for courses requiring instructor permission.
Please note that the syllabuses provided below are for reference purposes only. Changes may be made to the syllabuses.
An add/drop form will not be required to enroll in IMM, JCV, CSC, PSY, BME, and TRP courses.
Please note the following information regarding course weights:
Quarter-credit course codes (0.25 FCE) end in H (This applies to IMS modular courses in the MSC1100 series only.)
Half-credit course codes (0.5 FCE) end in H.
Full credit course codes (1.0 FCE) end in Y.
For questions about course enrollment please contact Sobiga Vyravanathan
Building Legend:
CAMH – Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
MaRS TMDT – MaRS Toronto Medical Discovery Tower: 101 College St.
MS – Medical Sciences Building: 1 King’s College Cir.
If you have a disability and feel you may need an accommodation, you must reach out to the accessibility office first ( Once you have been assigned an officer and have gone through their process, reach out to any of your course instructors, with your letter of accommodation, at the beginning of the course to structure a plan.
IMS Modular Courses
Please click here to see listing of IMS Modular Courses.
MSC1001Y: Human Anatomy - Session: Fall 2024
Instructor: John Tran
Please contact instructor for permission to register and course information. Please copy in your email.
Session Offered: 20249 F
Start date: September 3, 2024, Days/Times: Tuesdays 10:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Thursdays 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, Location: In Person (TBD).
Description: Gross anatomy of the human body taught from a regional viewpoint. The course is dissection based and includes interactive tutorials and dissection laboratories (96 hours). Anatomical structure and function is emphasized.
Enrollment Restrictions: Course enrollment is limited to 24 students.
MSC1004H: Health and Pharmaceuticals - Session: Not Offered in the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Instructor: Nancy Olivieri
Session Offered: TBD
Dates: TBD, Time: TBD, Location: In person
Description: A critical examination of drug development, including the role of health professionals and the pharmaceutical industry in researching, testing, marketing, licensing, and evaluating pharmaceutical drugs. Topics include the differing needs for drug development, evaluation and dispensing in lower income countries, and potential conflicts of interest in drug development.
MSC1005H: Therapeutic Approaches in Mood and Anxiety Disorders - Session: Winter 2025
Instructors: Joshua D. Rosenblat and Rodrigo B. Mansur
Session: 20251
Start Date: January 7, 2025 (Tuesdays), Time: 9-11 am, Location: In person (GB 220)
Description: This course will review the current treatment options for mood and anxiety disorders. We will discuss the etiology and pathophysiology of mood and anxiety disorders both from a clinical study and population health perspective. Pharmacological, neuroimaging and psychotherapy treatment options will be discussed. Further, we will discuss the social determinants of health and novel treatment approaches.
MSC1006H: Neuroanatomy - Introduction to Anatomical Organization of the Brain - Session: Fall 2024
Instructor: George Ibrahim and Jurgen Germann
Session Offered: 20249
Dates: September 4, 2024 - December 11, 2024 (Wednesdays), Time: 4-6 pm, Location: In person (SickKids PGCRL Building)
Description: This course will focus on detailed review of the fundamental organization of the nervous system, at both the gross and cellular levels. The major components of the nervous system will be discussed in a lecture format. The lectures will be supplemented with interactive anatomy sessions, either in the laboratory or using multimedia platforms. Student-led presentations will maximize the students’ contact with techniques employed to study neuroanatomy. This course is suitable for students who have some background in the neurosciences who are now embarking in a neuroscience project as part of their graduate degree. Course assessment will be based on quizzes, presentations as well as a final examination. Textbook: Neuroanatomy, text and atlas, by John H. Martin, 4th edition.
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of mammalian neuroanatomy. Maximum enrollment of 25 students.
MSC1008H: Advanced Human Embryology and Teratology - Session: TBD
Course Director: Dr. Ted Brown
Please contact the Course Director to obtain the required permission prior to completing an ADD/DROP form.
Session Offered: TBD
Start Date: TBD, Lectures: TBD (In Person), Tutorials: TBD (In Person)
Prerequisites: Interested graduate students must have taken a previous undergraduate course in cell biology.
Exclusion: ANA301H1
Description: Human embryology from fertilization to the end of the fetal period. Topics include: current concepts in mammalian morphogenesis applied to the development of various organ systems; the principles of teratology; mechanisms of malformation and the etiology and pathogenesis of some of the more common human congenital abnormalities. Prerequisites: Interested graduate students must have taken a previous undergraduate course in cell biology.
Enrollment Restrictions: Limited to 5 IMS graduate students, with an additional 5 spots reserved for the Clinical Embryology LMP program.
MSC1010H/MSC1011H: MSc/PhD Student Seminars in Translational Research - Session: Fall 2024 - Winter 2025
Course Director: Marianne Koritzinsky
Session: 20249- 20251 Y
Start Date: September 13, 2024 (Fridays), Time: 9:00 am – 11:00 am, Location: MS 3153
For more information on the MSC1010H and MSC1011H course click here.
IMS students are automatically enrolled in either MSC1010H or MSC1011H. IMS students do not need to request this course on ACORN.
MSC1030H: Learning from Data – Introduction to Study Design and Statistical Analysis Methods - Session: Winter 2025
Instructor: Tony Panzarella
Session Offered: 20251 S
Dates: January 7, 2025 - March 25, 2025 (Tuesdays), Time: 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Location: Online
Description: The goals of this course are to provide students with the ability to understand and interpret statistics to enable them to conduct their own research and to critically appraise research evidence from the scientific and medical literature.
To enable these goals, a “problem-driven” approach referred to by the acronym PPDAC* (Problem, Plan, Data, Analysis and Conclusion) will be used :
- outlining a problem and defining a research question to help solve this problem
- carefully planning a research study to answer the question reliably
- collecting the necessary data, and managing it appropriately to ensure it is of high quality
- analyzing the study results using statistical methods consistent with the type of data collected
- providing conclusions that reflect the results from the analysis
MSC1040H: Physiologic Basis of Disease: Bench to Bedside - Session: Not Offered in the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Instructor: Andrea McCart
Session Offered: TBD
Description: This is a half-year lecture course designed for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in the IMS who wish to gain an in-depth understanding of the basic mechanisms of disease, how these processes lead to the clinical syndromes and how medical research in these areas leads to effective therapy.
The aim of the course is to integrate basic molecular, cellular, or physiological processes with subsequent disease processes and their treatments. The course will provide an opportunity to gain insights into medical and surgical diseases from birth to adulthood. The latest research including clinical trials if applicable will be discussed. Topics that may be discussed include cancer, transplantation, diabetes, sepsis, epilepsy, inflammatory bowel disease and others. Papers of relevance to the discussion will be provided.
The course will consist of 12 2-hour sessions. Each session will feature a 1 hour lecture by faculty members of the University of Toronto who are authorities on the topic under discussion. This will be followed by the presentation of a related and relevant paper by 1-4 students (depending on enrolment) who will also lead the subsequent class discussion. Students will sign up for their presentations prior to the first class. Students will work with the respective faculty member to elect the paper for presentation.
MSC1081H: Studies in Schizophrenia - Session: Winter 2025
Instructor: George Foussias, Mahavir Agarwal
Session Offered: 20251 S
Start Date: January 15, 2025, Day/Time: Wednesday 10:00 am-11:30 am, Location: 1025 Queen St W
Description: This course, consisting of a series of readings, seminars, and a term paper, is intended to provide an in-depth and multidimensional understanding of schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Readings and seminars will include both foundational perspectives and recent advances in knowledge, bringing together the complexity of specialized knowledge that is required to carry out good research in the area of schizophrenia.
Topics included are:
• Introduction to course. What is Schizophrenia
• Signs and symptoms
• Prodrome and First episode Schizophrenia. Early detection
• Sociocultural aspects and vulnerable populations
• Neuropsychology
• Genetics
• Neuroimaging
• Neurophysiology
• Pharmacotherapeutics
• Animal models
• Research Ethics
• Overview and feedback
Enrollment Restrictions: Class size restricted to 12 students. Preference will be given to IMS students. If you wish to register for this course, please send a brief statement about the research you are conducting to the course instructors and copy
Prerequisites: The course has been designed for Masters and Ph.D. students in neuroscience, psychology and the social sciences. Knowledge of how the brain works is required.
MSC1085H: Molecular Approaches to Mental Health and Addictions - Session: Winter 2025
Instructor: Stefan Kloiber and Victor Tang
Session Offered: 20251
Dates: January 14, 2025 - April 22, 2025 (Tuesdays), Time: 3-5 pm, Location: In person (CAMH, 250 College Street, Room #G018, Ground Floor)
Description: This popular course investigates the neuroscience knowledge and research strategies underlying major psychiatric disorders and related psychopharmacological treatment. Lectures will discuss insights gained from areas of research such as genomics, neuroimaging, pharmacology, animal models and bioethics. Particular attention will be paid to how these studies have refined our understanding of clinical phenomena.
Selected faculty members with particular expertise will deliver a lecture describing their research work, including an introduction to their field, major methodological issues and key discoveries. Ample time will be dedicated to interaction and discussion. The assignments consist of: 1) selecting a topic for a review article and providing an abstract, 2) presenting a brief oral presentation, and 3) submitting a review article (2,500 – 5,000 words) at the end of the course. Each assignment will be reviewed by two faculty members who will generate a consensus grade.
Prerequisites: None, but a background in neuroscience, molecular biology, genetics, statistics and neuroanatomy are recommended.
MSC1087H: MRI Neuroimaging Methods - Session: Not Offered in the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Instructors: Sofia Chavez, Andrea Kassner
Session Offered: TBD
Start Date: tbd, Time tbd , Location: tbd.
Description: Over the last two decades, the study of human brain structure and function has come to rely on the latest developments in medical imaging technology, especially magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This course will provide an understanding of the principles of magnetic resonance imaging and cover concepts of advanced MRI neuroimaging methods used for quantitative imaging. The course is primarily intended for students who will use quantitative MRI neuroimaging techniques in their own thesis projects, and need to have a solid understanding of the physical and mathematical principles behind these methods in order to acquire good data and analyze them appropriately
MSC1088H: Brain Positron Emission Tomography - Not Offered
Instructor: N/A
Session Offered: Not offered
Description: Positron emission tomography (PET) has become an important tool for the early detection of disease, the understanding of basic molecular aspects of brain function and the evaluation of medical treatment. This course will build on a multidisciplinary team involving chemists, physicists, image scientists, computer scientists and clinician scientists currently investigating brain diseases such as schizophrenia, mood disorders, addictions, geriatrics and movement disorders.
The principal objectives of this course are to review the fundamental concepts of PET imaging and to convey an understanding of the opportunities that PET technology offers in brain research and drug development. Specific issues will be addressed in a perspective to answer basic research questions:
1) The chemistry of labelling compounds with short-lived positron-emitting radionuclides; 2) The design of PET radiopharmaceuticals – impact on interpretation of scanning data (e.g. position of labelling, metabolism, drugs vs. ligands); 3) PET instrumentation – how does a PET scanner or a cyclotron work (physics)?; 4) How PET data is analysed (kinetic modelling, image analysis); How PET can be used as a tool in brain research and drug development.
MSC1089H: The Biopsychosocial Basis of Mental Health and Addictive Disorders - Session: Winter 2025
Instructor: Tony George
Session Offered: 20251
Dates: TBD (Thursdays), Time: 1-3 pm, Location: In person (SU 255)
Description: Prof. George and colleagues will review the biopsychosocial basis of mental health and addictive disorders from the perspectives of etiology, pathophysiology, clinical phenomenology and diagnostics, genetics, neuroimaging, and treatment which have all contributed to our increasing understanding of psychiatric and substance use disorders from a biomedical (“disease”) concept. The role of stigma and recovery would also be discussed from a biobehavioural and social determinants of health perspective, to produce an integrated perspective on mental health and addictive disorders. The contemporary approach to treatment of these disorders would also be discussed which emphasizes biological, psychological and social policy and prevention perspectives.
Enrolment: Limited to 25 students. Pre-approval for this course is required. Please contact Tony George and copy
MSC1090H: Introduction to Computational Biostatistics with R - Session: Fall 2024
Course Director: Erik Spence
Session Offered: 20249 F
Start Date: September 10, 2024, Days/Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 am – 11:30 am
Location: In person (VC 323)
Description: The goal of this class is to prepare graduate students to perform scientific data analysis. Successful students will learn how to use statistical inference tools to gain insight into their data, as well as be exposed to techniques and best practices to store, manage and analyze data.
Topics to be covered:
- Introduction to programming with R,
- Programming best practices,
- Data structures,
- Review of basic statistics,
- Introduction to Machine Learning algorithms,
- Visualization of data
Prerequisites: No programming experience is necessary. A laptop will be required to do the assignments.
Structure: Twelve weeks, with two 1.5-hour lectures per week. Final grades will be based on weekly assignments. Passing mark: 70% of the final grade.
Grading Scheme: Most weeks students will be given a programming assignment, with a due date one week after. These assignments are designed to help absorb the course material. There will be between 10 and 12 assignments. The average of the assignments will make up the grade. There is no in-person mid-term. To ensure a timely reporting of student grades, we will adhere to the following policy:
Homework may be submitted up to one week after the due date, at a penalty of 0.5 point per day, out of the 10 points for each homework. Deviations of this rule will only be considered, on a case-by-case basis, in exceptional circumstances.
MSC2010Y: Molecular Medicine in Human Genetic Disease (Full Year Course) - Session: Fall 2024 - Winter 2025
Instructor: Lucy Osborne
Pre-approval for this course is required. Please contact the instructor and copy
Session Offered: 20249 - 20251 Y
Start Date: September 11, 2024, Days: Wednesdays, Time: 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm, Location: In person (SU 440)
Description: This course should encourage students to develop an approach to the genetic analysis, investigation and treatment of human disease.
In the body of the course, a series of 16 lectures will cover background relevant to the study of human genetic disease as well as specific examples of human genetic disease research.
Introduction to molecular approaches: Students will be introduced to useful tools and concepts that enable the study of a wide spectrum of human diseases. These include such topics as: population identification and sample collection; genome scanning with subsequent linkage analysis; copy number variation analysis and the use of animal models.
Specific examples of human genetic disease research: Lecturers will be encouraged to discuss the basic clinical presentation and pathophysiology of the genetic disease that they study; the approach they take in their research; the molecular changes that occur and key findings. Each lecture will provide an example of the application of molecular tools to the investigation of a specific human disease. Lecturers will be encouraged to provide weekly reading assignments in advance of the lecture and will usually provide their slides to the class for review.
Each student will be required to sit a short answer exam (December), prepare a Letter of Intent for a grant proposal that addresses a research topic in human genetic disease (February) and give a 10-15 minute in-class slide presentation of a research paper assigned by the Course Director (March), and write a short News & Views type article about a paper or papers in the field of human genetic disease that have been published during the past calendar year.
MSC6000H: Individualized Reading/Research Course - Session: Summer 2024
Instructor: Arranged by student through petition (see below)
Session Offered: 20245
Description: An independent study course on topics of interest to the student that is not already offered at IMS. Student usually meet weekly to read, criticize and discuss current literature in the field and write essay assignments. This course can also be used to conduct field projects. Independent study course topics can be relevant to the area of research the student is conducting but should NOT be on the exact same topic as the student’s thesis, and the student’s supervisor may NOT serve as instructor of the independent study course. It is the responsibility of the student and instructor to prepare a course outline, grading scheme, etc.
The student needs to fill out this form and obtain approval to enroll in this course.
Prerequisites: Suitable background for area of study.
Enrollment Restrictions: Preference will be given to IMS students. Students are required to petition in order to take this course. Please download a Request for Reading/Research Course at the SGS Web Site. Complete the form and bring it to the IMS Office. We recommend that you provide as much information as possible on the proposed course content, grading, and reasons for requesting a reading course.
The IMS Graduate Coordinator will review and approve your enrolment in MSC6000H. Questions? Please contact the IMS Office.
MSC7000Y: Regenerative Medicine (Full Year Course) - Session: Fall 2024 - Winter 2025
Instructor: Sonya MacParland
Session Offered: 20249 - 20251 Y
Start Date: September 12, 2024, Days: Thursdays, Time: 9 am – 11 am, Location: In person (UHN)
Description: MSC7000Y is a unique flagship course of wide interest to students with a health professional background (i.e. MDs, RNs, clinicians), and scientists across Canada. This course will provide students with an understanding of the science behind the field, the bio-processes, new and emerging technologies, the ethical and regulatory aspects of implementation and the academic/industry partnerships on which clinical success is likely to be based. Content is as follows:
Heart, Lung, Liver, Kidney, Pancreas Failure including physiology, human impact, and cost and the implications for regenerative medicine
Current Approaches to Management of Organ Failure including transplant and non-transplant approaches
- Stem Cells (ESC, iPS, MSC, Islet, Neural, Retinal, Marrow)
- Gene Therapy
- Biomarkers & Assays
- Stem Cell Aging, Manufacturing, and Engineering
- Tissue Engineering (Lab/Organ on a Chip)
- CRISPR Genome Editing
- Immune Tolerance in Transplant
- Burns and Skin Regeneration
- Imaging and Nanotechnology in Regenerative Medicine
- Translation of New Therapies from Bench to Bedside
- Fundamentals of Clinical Trials Design
- Evaluation of Health-Related Quality of Life
- Cost-Effectiveness & Global Health Economics
- Adoption of New Therapies
- Research Ethics
- Transplant Ethics
- Quality of Life – Patient perspective
- Regenerative Medicine Ethics
- Public Opinion and the Media
- Regulation of Regenerative Medicine in Canada
- IP and Commercialization of Regenerative Medicine
- Selected articles relevant to regenerative medicine will be selected for group participation during the course.
- This course forms a major part of a Training Program in Regenerative Medicine.
Enrollment Restrictions: Maximum enrollment of 20 students at the University of Toronto, 20 students affiliated through the Stem Cell Network (across Canada).
This course is available for graduate students from other universities. Non-U of T graduate students must enroll in this course through their home University using existing off-campus study agreements (CUGTA or OVGS) or a request for transfer credit. Please contact the Program Coordinator, Anna Cocco, for more details.
Enrollment: Interested students must complete the following form.
MSC4001H: Foundations in Resuscitation Science Research - Session Offered: TBD
Instructor: Ben Leung, Dakota Gustafson
Session Offered: TBD
Start date: TBD Time: TBD, Location: Online
Please note this half-course will follow an irregular meeting schedule:
Description: This 0.5 credit course is aimed at enhanced understanding of the breadth of research in resuscitation science. It will provide students within disparate fields of research enquiry with the fundamentals of the discipline and provide a forum to discuss common areas of research interest, thereby further reinforcing a spirit of interdisciplinary research. Topics include bioethical issues particular to resuscitation research; health services research with high risk groups; outcomes research in critical illness; translational research in resuscitation and knowledge translation. From bench to bedside to curbside, students will gain a thorough understanding of the issues and concerns unique to the field of resuscitation sciences.
For more information visit the CPRS website at Collaborative Program in Resuscitation Sciences.
SRM 3333Y/SRD4444Y: Master’s/PhD Seminar Series in Resuscitation Sciences
Instructor: Paul Dorian
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For more information visit the CPRS website at Collaborative Program in Resuscitation Sciences
SRM3335H/SRD4445H: Master’s / PhD Seminar Series in Musculoskeletal Sciences
Instructor: Various
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Collaborative Program in Musculoskeletal Sciences. Students must be enrolled in the CPMS to enroll.
JCV3060H: Advanced Research in Cardiovascular Sciences, Molecular Biology and Heart Signal Transduction
Instructor: Steffen-Sebastian Bolz
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Cardiovascular Sciences.
JCV3061H: Advanced Research in Cardiovascular Sciences, Hormones
Instructor: Carin Wittnich
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Cardiovascular Sciences.
JCV3062H: Advanced Research in Cardiovascular Sciences, Heart Function
Instructor: Carin Wittnich
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Cardiovascular Sciences.
JCV3063: Advanced Research in Cardiovascular Sciences, Vascular
Instructor: Scott Heximer
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Cardiovascular Sciences.
JCV3065 – Advanced Topics in Cardiovascular Science – Systems Biology
Instructor: Anthony Gramolini
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Cardiovascular Sciences.
JFK1120H: Selected Topics in Drug Development I
Instructor: M. Piquette-Miller
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Pharmacology & Toxicology
JFK1121H: Selected Topics in Drug Development II
Instructor: S. Wu and P. Lee
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Pharmacology & Toxicology
JPM1005Y: Behavioural Pharmacology
Instructor: L. Zawertailo (Offered in alternate years)
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Pharmacology & Toxicology
JNR1444: Fundamentals of Neurological Science
Instructor: James Eubanks
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Pharmacology & Toxicology
JYG1555H: Topics in Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology
Instructor: L-Y Wang
Collaborative Specialization: This course is offered as a Collaborative Specialization and is not an IMS course.
For details, see Pharmacology & Toxicology
Temerty Medicine Graduate Courses
Please click here for a list of some of the courses that you can take in the Fall 2024 or Winter 2025 semesters that are offered by other TFOM graduate departments.