Scientific Day
The Annual Scientific Day is the academic highlight of the year.
It is an opportunity for students to share their research and work on presentation skills, and a time for the IMS community to celebrate student and faculty achievements. All faculty and students are encouraged to attend.
Scientific Day takes place in Spring each year. Students are invited participate in the Laidlaw Manuscript Competition and the Alan Wu Poster Competition. IMS faculty members and students will be updated via email of competition deadlines and Scientific Day events.
As part of their degree requirements, all MSc and PhD students must present their research project at Scientific Day once during their degree, either via the Alan Wu Poster Competition OR Laidlaw Manuscript Competition.
Thank you for joining us for Scientific Day 2024
Scientific Day 2024 Planning Committee Members
Faculty Chairs: Drs. Brian Ballios and Nadia Minian
Staff Lead: Sobiga Vyravanathan
Student Leads: Crizza Ching, Slaghaniya Neupane and Kowsar Teymouri