SURP Finding a Supervisor

All students interested are responsible for finding their own SURP supervisor before submitting an application.

We understand that the search for a supervisor can be confusing and intimidating. The information on this page is designed to help guide you in initiating a search for a SURP supervisor.

We recommend that students contact supervisors early. Supervisors often start to accept students for a summer program in December. Click the box below to see a list of IMS faculty members who are accepting SURP students for Summer 2025.

Highschool STEM

Supervisor's Recruiting SURP Students 2025 - Now Closed

Click above to see the list of IMS faculty members looking to supervise SURP students for summer 2025. Summer 2025 applications are now closed.

What to Consider When Reaching out to a Potential Supervisor

  1. Determine your research interest
    • this will help you to narrow down which faculty members you are interested in working with
    • look through the Supervisors Recruiting SURP Students 2025 document
    • visit the lab website of a supervisor you are interested in working with and look up their recent publications to see if their research interests align with yours
  2. Faculty Appointment Status
    • all supervisors must hold an active graduate faculty appointment with IMS
    • Associate, Assistant, and Full Professors can supervise a SURP student
    • Associate Member Restricted to PACs and/or Teaching cannot supervise a SURP student
  3. Tailor your emails carefully. Things to include:
    • subject line should include IMS SURP and the year (ex. IMS SURP 2025)
    • RASI students should also include if they are a RASI student in body the subject line and body of the email
    • an introduction (your name, academic background, and reason for the email)
    • express interest in their area of research
    • explain why/how your background and interests align with the research being conducted by the supervisor
    • include any relevant skills and experience
    • attach a CV/resume and your transcript(s)
    • copy any associated lab managers, admin assistants or research coordinators to the email
    • keep the email brief
    • proof read for spelling and grammar
  4. When to follow up
    • if you don't hear back within a couple of weeks, send a follow-up email
    • if you don't hear back after a follow-up email, or if the faculty member indicates they are unable to accept you as a student, respect their decision and move onto your next potential supervisor

Found a supervisor? Click here to complete the Application Form.