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Seminar Series in Translational Research
MSC1010-1011 is mandatory for all IMS students. Starting from September 2020, incoming students will be automatically enrolled for the “H” version of the course. Students from previous intakes have been automatically enrolled in the “Y” version of the course.
Course Director: Dr. Marianne Koritzinsky
Course Coordinator: Sobiga Vyravanathan
The course objectives are:
- to introduce the students to fundamental biomedical research skills
- to provide students with transferrable skills that will enhance their research experience
- to provide students a translational research outlook that links fundamental discovery with patient-based research
- to provide a sampling of the breath of world-quality research being conducted in the IMS
For students who started the program in or after September 2024:
The course runs over two years and is comprised of:
- A lecture series (Fall term, Year One)
- Group seminars (Winter term, Year Two) will give students an opportunity to present their own work
Students must complete all of these requirements in order to be granted course credit.
Course Timeline:
- Year 1 Fall term: Lecture Series
- Year 2: Winter Term – Group seminars: Students will join groups of ~15 students and faculty facilitators where all students will present their research work. Students will provide an abstract of their research one week ahead of their presentation date. The abstract should be 150 to 200 words (1 page) and contain all the elements of your presentation (Introduction, Background, Hypothesis/Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions). Presentations are 15 minutes followed by five minutes of questions from the seminar group. Students and faculty facilitators will evaluate the student presentation skills and seminar content. Confidential and constructive feedback to the student based on the evaluations will be provided. Details on dates and times for group seminars will be available in the Quercus course shell.
For students who started the program in or before January 2024:
The course runs over two years and is comprised of:
- A lecture series (Fall term, Year One)
- An online ethics course (TCPS2) (Fall term, Year One)
- Ori Rotstein Lecture in Translational Research (Fall term, Year One or Two)
- Group seminars (Winter term, Year Two) will give students an opportunity to present their own work
- Presentation at IMS Scientific Day (Year One or Two)
Students must complete all of these requirements in order to be granted course credit.
Course Timeline:
- Year 1 Fall term: Lecture Series
- Year 1: Online ethics course. A certificate of completion must be submitted on the Microsoft Forms link found on Quercus.
- Year 1 or 2 (Fall term): Rotstein lecture. Details will be announced closer to the event.
- Year 1 or 2: Presentation at IMS scientific day. Details will be announced closer to the event.
- Year 2: Winter Term – Group seminars: Students will join groups of ~15 students and faculty facilitators where all students will present their research work. Students will provide an abstract of their research one week ahead of their presentation date. The abstract should be 150 to 200 words (1 page) and contain all the elements of your presentation (Introduction, Background, Hypothesis/Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions). Presentations are 15 minutes followed by five minutes of questions from the seminar group. Students and faculty facilitators will evaluate the student presentation skills and seminar content. Confidential and constructive feedback to the student based on the evaluations will be provided. Details on dates and times for group seminars will be available in the Quercus course shell.