Application Deadlines and Requirements

The Institute of Medical Science offers programs in a Master of Science (MSc), a Doctor of Philosophy Direct Entry (PhD U), and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD). Learn more about the programs on offer here.

We highly recommend you find a supervisor early. Learn how to find a supervisor here.

Please note that all email inquiries should be initiated from institutional email addresses.

Application Deadlines

September 2025 applications – open as of November 1st 2024

September 2025 early consideration deadline – February 1st  2025

January 2026 applications – will open August 31st 2025


Domestic Applicants

International Applicants

September 2025 Admission


June 1,  2025

April 15, 2025

This will allow processing time for the application and provides ample time for your study permit application. 


January 2026 Admission


October 15, 2025


September 15, 2025

This will allow processing time for the application and provides ample time for your study permit application. 

The early consideration admission deadline for Fall 2025 registration is February 1st 2025. If you are applying for September 2025 early consideration you must submit a complete application by this date.

The IMS Admissions Committee meets regularly to review completed applications. You are strongly encouraged to submit a completed application as soon as possible. Once an application has been reviewed by the Committee, you will be notified both via email and through the online application portal of a decision.

Only completed applications will be considered by the IMS Admissions Committee.

All applicants to the MSc, PhD Direct Entry, and PhD programs must submit:

  1. Curriculum Vitae (CV) that must include (max 5 pages)
    • Post-secondary Education
    • Research Experiences
    • Academic Productivity (manuscripts and publications, conference presentations and abstracts, etc.)
    • Employment
    • Volunteer Work, Internships, and Extracurricular Activities
  2. Letter of Intent (MSc applicants 1-2 pages; PhD and PhD Direct Entry applicants 5-7 pages)
    • If you are a PhD or PhD Direct Entry applicant, you must also include a Research Proposal. The Research Proposal must be combined with the Letter of Intent on the online application
    • Research questions/specific research area that interests you
    • Preparation for the research area to which you applied
    • Career plans, professional goals
    • List potential supervisors you have been in contact with
    • Other pertinent information (gaps in your academic records, extenuating circumstances for poor grades, leadership roles you have undertaken, collaborative experiences of note, etc.)
  3. Reference letters
    • If you are a MSc applicant, you must submit two references from a faculty member
    • If you are a PhD or a PhD Direct Entry applicant, you must submit three references from a faculty member
    • Each required reference must be a faculty member (assistant professor, associate professor, full professor) at a recognized university
    • At least one of these required references must speak to your research experience
    • A graduate student, teaching assistant, research assistant/associate, manager, sessional lecturer, adjunct professor, or post-doc fellow are not eligible referees for a required reference
    • If you are a MSc applicant, you can provide an optional third reference from a non-faculty member (some examples include a lab manager, post-doc fellow, university coach, music instructor)
  4. Academic transcript(s)
    • If you are/were a University of Toronto student, you do not need to provide an official transcript for the application.  Please upload a copy of your academic record from ROSI/ACORN as the electronic transcript to your online application
    • The IMS does not require official transcripts for an application to be considered, unofficial transcripts are fine. However, if successful, the IMS requires official transcripts to come directly from the issuing institution for registration in the program
    • Per University of Toronto policy, for transcripts to be considered official, they must come directly from the issuing academic institution to the IMS Office
    • The IMS prefers official transcripts to be sent electronically via email to, but transcripts can also be sent to the IMS Mailing address (see end of page)
  5. If applicable, Supervisory Letter  (must be uploaded by the applicant)
    • If you are a PhD, PhD Direct Entry, or an International MSc applicant, you must have a supervisory letter at the time of application
    • If you are a MSc domestic applicant, you do not need a supervisory letter at the time of applying. However, if successful, you must have supervisor in place before initial registration in the IMS program
      • If you have secured a supervisor at the time of your MSc application, it is strongly recommended that you upload a Supervisory Letter to your online application
    • Should include your proposed supervisor's ability to supervise and fund you for the length of the degree (Master's 2 years, PhD 5 years, and PhD Direct Entry 6 years). It should also include the funding sources. Any additional information that faculty member wishes to include
  6. If applicable, Letter of Protected Time
    •  If you current are in, or will be in a fellowship, clinical training, or residency program the IMS requires a letter confirming that you will be given at least 80% protected time for your graduate research
    • This can come from your proposed supervisor (either in a separate letter, or part of the Supervisory Letter), or department head
  7. If applicable, Certified English translations of all documentation written in a language other than English or French
  8. If applicable, English Language Proficiency Test
    • Testing results must be sent directly from the testing centre to the University of Toronto, School of Graduate studies. If you take the TOEFL test, the code for forwarding your results is 0982.
    • More information on English Language Proficiency Tests can be found on the SGS website here

The benefits of submitting an early application for consideration are:

  • More time to secure research supervision for domestic MSc applicants
  • Consideration for early awards offered through the School of Graduate Studies
  • Consideration for entrance awards offered through the IMS
  • Consideration for the RHSE Entrance Scholarship and Temerty Entrance Scholarships
  • Advantage of departmental initiatives
  • More time to obtain a study permit and other documents for international applicants
  • More time to secure housing if you are coming from outside of the GTA

Supervisors recruiting students

We are in the process of continually updating the list of supervisors recruiting students for September 2025 registration.
find a supervisor at the IMS

Please see below all the relevant application information, including forms.

Still have questions? Visit our FAQ section, join one of our virtual Graduate Information Sessions,  or email our Admissions Officer (

Ready to apply? Applications to IMS graduate programs must be submitted electronically via the SGS Online Application Portal. More information on the online application can be found on our How to Apply page.