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Teaching Assistant Positions
Current opportunities:
Becoming a TA at the University of Toronto:
- Resources for Teaching Assistants' and Training Program Information: Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation, 130 St. George Street, Robarts Library, 4th floor
- CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Collective Agreement (Term of Agreement: January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2023)
- CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Members’ Manual
Is the income I earn from my TA position subtracted from my total stipend?
For IMS students, TA income must NOT be subtracted from your total stipend by your supervisor. Any TA income you earn is in addition to your total stipend. Your TA income is paid to you by the University of Toronto.
Do I need to be a registered student at the University of Toronto to work as a TA?
Yes, you need to be a registered student at the University of Toronto to work as a TA. Students who have already graduated are not eligible to work as a TA.
What is the wage for a graduate TA?
As of January 1, 2024, graduate TAs are paid $51.93/ hour.
Am I allowed to work as a TA for multiple courses in one semester?
Yes, you are allowed to work as a TA for multiple courses in one semester. You are advised to monitor the number of hours you work to ensure that you can still meet your program requirements.
Am I provided training as a TA?
All new TAs are allocated four hours of training through the Teaching Assistants' Training Program (TATP). You only have to complete this training once.
As an IMS student, can I only apply to IMS TA positions?
No, you can apply to TA positions in other departments at the University of Toronto. You can apply to work as a TA for undergraduate and graduate courses.
Do reference letters need to be sent with the application package or can they be sent directly to Sobiga Vyravanathan?
The reference letters can be sent with your application package, or the reference letters can be sent directly to Sobiga by the referees. If the referees will be sending the letters directly to Sobiga, please ask your referees to clearly indicate in the subject line of the email your name, as well as the course you will be applying to TA for.
Where can I find my T4 slip?
T4 slips can be found on Employee Self Service (ESS).