The IMS is pleased to announce the re-appointments of Prof. Nicole Harnett as Director of Curriculum and Dr. Marianne Koritzinsky as Director of MSC1010/1011: MSc/PhD Student Seminars in Translational Research. Their re-appointments took effect on May 1, 2022 for a three-year term. Prof. Harnett and Dr. Koritizinsky have played important leadership roles in making the IMS an even more successful graduate program and community of scholars. You can find out more about their backgrounds and accomplishments below. We look forward to continue working with them.
Prof. Nicole Harnett's portfolio as Director of Curriculum includes chairing the IMS Curriculum Committee, overseeing curriculum development and evaluation and working with course directors and instructors. Recent accomplishments include finalizing a robust curriculum review with 26 recommendations and action plans, the implementation of the first of several courses on statistics and research methodologies, and the implementation of an institute wide course evaluation system.
Prof. Harnett is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology and is the Director of the Radiation Skills Lab at Princess Margaret Hospital. She is the recipient of the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists' (CAMRT) Honorary Life Member Award, which represents the highest form of recognition by one’s peers across the country.
Dr. Marianne Koritzinsky recently received the IMS Course Director Award in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the development and leadership of the MSC1010/1011: MSC/PhD Student Seminars in Translational Research course.
Dr. Koritzinsky is a Senior Scientist at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Associate Professor and Director of Research at the Department of Radiation Oncology, with cross appointments to the Department of Medical Biophysics and the Institute of Medical Science, University of Toronto.
Dr. Koritzinsky is a recipient of the ESTRO-Juliana Denekamp research award, the Terry Fox Research Institute New Investigator award, the Radiation Research Society Michael Fry award, the Department of Radiation Oncology Excellence in Research Leadership Award and the Medical Biophysics Student Association Teaching award.