Professor  |  Full Member

Julie Brill

Hospital for Sick Children
Research Interests
Animal Models, Molecular & Cell Biology, Genetics
Research Themes
Regenerative Medicine, Development
MSc, PhD

Administrative Assistant: Josephine Lau,

Research Synopsis

Phosphatidylinositol phosphates (PIPs) are membrane lipids with roles in cell growth, signaling and morphogenesis. Alterations in the levels of PIPs are associated with human developmental disorders and diseases such as cancers, yet little is known about the normal roles of PIPs during animal development.  

The Brill lab investigates the roles of PIPs using powerful molecular genetic approaches available in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. For example, they’ve recently uncovered novel roles for PIPs and PIP pathway enzymes in sperm development, secretory granule maturation and tissue integrity. Brill's current research seeks to determine how PIPs and PIP pathway enzymes control these processes and to identify upstream regulators and downstream targets of PIP signaling.  

In a second area of research, they have recently begun to study mechanisms of post-transcriptional regulation and roles of long noncoding RNAs in spermdevelopment. Because PIPs and RNA regulation play crucial roles in all eukaryotes, the Brill Lab anticipates that their results will reveal conserved cellular mechanisms that are fundamental to human development and disease.