Elia Abi-Jaoude
Administrative Assistant: Mahila.Muthuvel@sickkids.ca
Research Synopsis
I have eclectic academic interests, with two broad areas of primary research pursuits. The first involves research in Tourette syndrome, including neurobiology, phenomenology, and treatment. Neurobiological studies include functional neuroimaging of self-regulatory control, and receptor imaging of dopamine receptors and the endocannabinoid system in Tourette syndrome. As well, in collaboration with Dr. Paul Sandor, I have been studying the effects of cannabinoids for tics for patients with Tourette syndrome. My other broad area of academic interest relates to critical questioning with regards to the evidence base, knowledge development and dissemination in psychiatry. I was part of an international team that re-analyzed the raw data from a pharmaceutical company funded study of the SSRI paroxetine for adolescent depression, culminating in the publication of the landmark paper Restoring Study 329. I continue to collaborate internationally as part of the RIAT (Restoring Invisible and Abandoned Trials) initiative. As well, we have recently published an analysis of the concept of SSRI discontinuation syndrome as distinct from withdrawal – we demonstrate that there is no evidentiary basis for the term, and that it should be abandoned in favor of term ‘withdrawal’. I am currently leading a group of collaborators in a systematic review of variables influencing placebo and drug response in randomized-controlled trials of SSRI drugs for depression. Finally, I am actively involved in education of medical trainees and psychiatrists about critical appraisal and how to mitigate bias in literature evaluation, professional development and clinical practice.