Associate Professor  |  Associate Member

Sloane Freeman

St. Michael's Hospital
Research Interests
Children’s Health, Developmental Disorders , Health Policy, Health Services & Systems
Research Themes
Summer Undergraduate

Research Synopsis

Dr. Sloane Freeman is a pediatrician at St. Michael's Hospital’s Women’s and Children’s Health Program and an Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. Her expertise is in child development, social pediatrics, and care of the medically complex child. 

Dr. Freeman is the founder and lead for the REACH School Network, a program developed in partnership with the Toronto District School Board to bring developmental and mental healthcare to inner city schools. This is the largest school-based health care program in Canada, serving over 150 at-risk schools.

Dr. Freeman is an investigator with MAP Centre for Urban Health Solutions in the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital.