Professor  |  Full Member

Shiphra Ginsburg

Mount Sinai Hospital
Research Interests
Qualitative Research, Education Research
Research Themes
Population Health, Education
MSc, PhD

Administrative Assistant: Nahid Taherian,

Research Synopsis

Dr. Ginsburg’s program of research involves two inter-related areas. The first explores how clinical supervisors conceptualize, assess and communicate about the performance and competence of their learners, with a focus on the language used in workplace-based assessment. The second area explores the construct of professionalism in medical education, from the perspective of learners, faculty and practicing physicians. Dr. Ginsburg’s research involves the use of qualitative and mixed methods. She also collaborates widely with colleagues from U of T and nationally/internationally on projects related to feedback, implicit gender bias in assessment, the effect of the environment on performance assessments, how successful people handle failure, and issues central to the field of medical education research and scholarship in general, including academic publishing and dissemination.