Emeritus Professor  |  Member Emeritus

McIntyre Burnham

University of Toronto - Campus
Research Interests
Musculoskeletal, Animal Models, Drug Development
Research Themes
Neuroscience, Brain Health

Research Synopsis

Dr. W. McIntyre Burnham received his B.A. in Experimental Psychology from Cornell University and his Ph.D. in Physiological Psychology from McGill University. Following post-doctoral studies in electrophysiology with Pierre Gloor at the Montreal Neurological Institute, he joined the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Toronto, where he is currently a Professor Emeritus. His research career has centered on epilepsy and the anticonvulsant drugs. He was the first recipient of the Bahen Chair of Epilepsy Research, and is currently a Co-Director of EpLink, the Ontario Brain Institute’s Epilepsy Research Program. He is a Past President of Epilepsy Ontario and of Epilepsy Canada. He is currently researching the cannabinoid extracts CBD and THC and co-heading a clinical trial of CBD and THC in patients with uncontrolled complex partial seizures (FIAS). He teaches Neuro/psychopharmacology (PCL 475).