Assistant Professor  |  Associate Member

Gwyneth Zai

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Research Interests
Genetics, Pharmacology & Toxicology, Mental Health & Behavioral Conditions, Psychiatric Disorders
Research Themes
Neuroscience, Brain Health
Summer Undergraduate, MSc

Research Synopsis

Dr. Gwyneth Zai's research focuses on the genetics and pharmacogenetics of psychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive and related disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia. As almost all psychiatric disorders are complex and heterogeneous in nature, her research aims to identify homogeneous phenotypes, specifically cognitive profiles, in psychiatric disorders, and to examine the genetics of these specific phenotypes. Her goals are to link genetic variations to variations in phenotypes in order to determine mechanisms responsible for these links, and to translate identified links into enhanced understanding, treatment and prevention of psychiatric disorders.