Associate Professor  |  Full Member

Christopher Parshuram

Hospital for Sick Children
Research Interests
Health Services & Systems, Health Policy
Research Themes
Population Health, Education

Research Synopsis

Dr. Parshuram is a Safety Scientist, with interest in the identification of significant clinical problems (medication safety, precision of pharmacotherapy, healthcare provider fatigue, cardiac arrest), their quantification, the design and development of system-level interventions, and the evaluation of these interventions (including BedsidePEWS, drug therapy, alternate physician schedules) as methods to improve patient outcomes.

He leads three research programs in the domains of Resuscitation, Pharmacotherapy and Resident Fatigue for which he has received 2 career awards. In the past 5 years he has been awarded $5 million dollars in operational funding as Principal Investigator, and has been a co-investigator in projects receiving $1·3 million operational funding. As well, his students have received salary awards from sources including the CIHR.

Dr. Parshuram’s research programs have resulted in innovation, invention, development of education programs, and resulted in practice change. His related expertise in resuscitation and resident duty hours has provided opportunities that impact health policy and practice. Change is evident in hospitals across Canada, and around the world.