Professor  |  Full Member

Aristotle Voineskos

Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
Research Interests
Psychiatric Disorders, Neurodegenerative Disorders
Research Themes
Neuroscience, Brain Health
Summer Undergraduate

Administrative Assistant: Linda Burford-Mason,

Research Synopsis

Dr. Voineskos’s work combines multi-modal neuroimaging and genetics approaches to map gene effects in the brain with a view to discovering vulnerability pathways for severe mental illness. This will aid in early identification of at-risk individuals and disease prevention. Currently, his neuroimaging approaches include MRI techniques known as diffusion tensor imaging and cortical thickness mapping. Disease populations currently under study include schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and Alzheimer’s disease, as well as studying healthy individuals and healthy aging.
Another area of Dr. Voineskos’s work includes understanding genetic and structural brain determinants of brain function by combining the approaches described above with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).