Clear and compelling illustrations, animations, and simulations are vital to discovery and communication in science, medicine, and health. There is a growing need for individuals with scientific training and the conceptual and practical skills necessary to design accurate and effective scientific media for a variety of audiences.
Biomedical Communication is an interdisciplinary profession that bridges the disciplines of art, science, medicine and communication. The Master of Science in Biomedical Communication (MScBMC), unique in Canada, is one of only four internationally accredited programs of its kind. Over a two-year curriculum, the MScBMC Program engages students in the creation and evaluation of a range of visual tools, including medical illustration, media and user experience design, animation, and virtual simulations.
Upon graduation, our students are employed by: media and animation companies; medical legal companies; prepress companies specializing in print (textbooks & journals); advertising agencies serving the medical market; hospital media departments; academic departments in universities and colleges; and science centres.
For more information, see the Biomedical Communication website.